It’s spring on I-5, my favorite time to be driving to Los Angeles. Miles of apricot, peach and almond trees are in bloom. The experience is so inspiring, that I reach to turn-off NPR – I’m too happy to listen to the world’s problems. But my finger pauses half-way to the radio: a reporter from […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on my top ten list of the most amazing and possibly even true scientific phenomena that blow my mind, continued: body identity integrity disorderAs I wrote last week, the criteria for this top ten “best” list is a little mysterious even to me. From the raging river of data that flows through my brain daily, some bits and pieces stick. Sometimes they hang on because they reveal something startling or offer a little piece of a larger puzzle. […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on my top ten list of the most amazing and possibly even true scientific phenomena that blow my mind, continuedWhen I was a little girl, my family camped in Yosemite Valley every summer. My favorite memory from those trips was a night we slept outside on cots. I assume the moon was a sliver because the sky was inky and I remember saying to my father that the stars looked like diamonds. I must […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on ten of the most amazing and possibly even true scientific phenomena that blow my mindMy mom’s last two blog posts about sexual surrogacy and the movie “The Sessions” (see part 1 and part 2) reminded me of one of my old pieces of dinner party trivia. In Holland, the government pays sex workers to have sex with physically disabled people. I know – crazy, right? At least that was […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on they do it better in dutch: sex workers and the disabledAbout 20 years ago, for a profile I planned, I interviewed Cheryl Cohen Greene, the sexual surrogate Helen Hunt plays in The Sessions. (for part I of this post on The Sessions click here.) I found her irresistible. She had a way of talking about sex unlike anyone I’d ever met. She could be funny, […]
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