Food cravings are a motherfucker. After a few weeks of being in the field with the same slop every day, my gastronomic fantasy life takes on a bigger and bigger portion of my conscious and unconscious mind with debilitating consequences. I’ve been through this cycle enough times now to recognize the signs and symptoms, which […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on absence makes the stomach grow fonder: food variety deprivation, fantasy and phenomena in the humanitarian aid worker lifeI have never been, nor will I ever be, a celebrity — not even for Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes. But I maintain that having a dog shares some of the features of celebrityhood and if you walk around with two dogs, you’re on your way to being a super celebrity. When our dog Alice was […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on what do I have in common with Julia Roberts? how being a dog owner is like being a celebrityEasy enough for me to tell my latrine sob story, but let me give an even stronger piece of advice: really, really try to avoid being a refugee in a newly created camp that only has trench latrines. As an aid worker I’m supposed to encourage all refugees to use only the designated camp latrines. […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on shitty in pink, part two: lots of refugee ladies, no ladies’ roomsTwo roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both… Robert Frost “Mom, please tell me….if it’s going to be too hard on you, I won’t go.” Caitlin and I were sitting outside at Emporio Rulli, our neighborhood Italian Bakery drinking tea on a shimmering fall day. She was scheduled to […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on the path not taken: a mother and her aid worker daughterI have one key piece of advice for female aid workers on their way to Africa: once you get there, get a potty. This might even be more important than my earlier advice about underwear. Displaying your undies in full view of your boss only happens once a week – the potty issue comes up […]
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