A Northern Californian childhood had some major advantages. There were mountains to hike and ski, the ocean to swim and fish, and the Redwood forest to breathe in and explore. The cultural patrimony was rich as well: hippies. At least in the late ’70’s and early ’80’s, in Marin County hippies were parked in their […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on the only thing Jesus Christ and J.R. Ewing have in commonGrowing up, I took ten years of beginning tennis lessons. Whether it was sleep-away summer camp, a junior high elective or after school enrichment at the public park, I never advanced to intermediate. This wasn’t due to a crippling lack of athleticism – I could scamper around the court and hit the ball well enough […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on a beginner, foreverYou, like many people, might have some preconceived notions of what writers do. Chief among them, I presume, is that writers write. I would like to correct you. This is not always the case. I, for instance, am a writer who does not write. You might be thinking this sounds great. I get an official […]
Continue Reading... Comments Off on the challenge of being a writer who doesn’t writeFrom my office window I have a front row view of the backyard wildlife. Mostly, the scene is dominated by squirrels. The way they leap from limb to limb in the canopy of pecan trees makes me feel like I’m at preview night for the Mighty Flying Squirrel Circus. My fists clench as I hope […]
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